Supported Charities

Every year the San Luis Obispo Police Officers' Association donates money and time to benefit numerous charities, groups and organizations in the San Luis Obispo area.

To help us better serve you and our community we share, please feel free to join our mission by participating in any of our events or donating toward our cause.

Special Olympics

"The mission of Special Olympics Southern California is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. Our vision is to provide sports and training programs for any individual with intellectual disabilities who chooses to participate, thereby improving their lives and the lives of everyone they touch." - Special Olympics
"The San Luis Obispo Police Officers' Association Scholarship Fund aims to maximize the opportunity for children in need (ages 0 - 18 years old) in the San Luis Obispo community to participate in extracurricular activities in athletics, the arts, and academia by funding their tuition. " - SLOPOA

San Luis Obispo POA Scholarship Fund

SLO Co. Victim Witness

"The San Luis Obispo County Victim/Witness Assistance Program works to reduce the trauma, frustration and inconvenience experienced by victims, witnesses, and family members affected by crime. We do this by providing a wide variety of services to victims of crime and their families, in addition to supporting victims and witnesses throughout the criminal justice process. As part of our mission, we inform victims of their constitutional and statutory rights under California law, and how to exercise those rights. Each year, the County Board of Supervisors designates the Victim/Witness Assistance Program as the major provider of comprehensive services to victims and witnesses in San Luis Obispo county." - SLO Co. Victim Witness
"Transform the lives of sexual and intimate partner violence survivors, their families and the community through services and education that promote safety, healing and empowerment." - RISE



"To develop the total person, spirit, mind and body, through values-based programs that build strong kids, strong families, strong communities." - YMCA
The National 9-99 Police and Sheriff Foundation raises funds for injured or fallen officers and their families, invests in K9 safety and training, and provides counseling and mental health resources to all officers in need."
999 Foundation Logo

9-99 Foundation

San Luis Obispo High School Sports Camps

"Helping young boys and girls to learn teamwork, self-confidence, and fundamentals with an emphasis on fun and skill development" - SLOHS
The mission of CCCCK is to nurture, support, provide assistance to, and enhance the relationship between local law enforcement, the youth and their families within the California central coast.

Cops 'N Kids